Thursday, November 05, 2009

Look Mom!!!

After dinner Tristyn and I went up to her room to play.
I was on the floor and "pretended" to take a little nap.
And this is what I woke up to...

My big girl running back and forth from Ashlee's room
With a birthday crown on her head.

She decided it would be fun to check out ALL of her clothes.
Good thing she couldn't reach the top drawer.
She also threw all of her diapers around like it was a party.
She was so proud of herself!
She's saying here, "Look what I did Mom!"

After all of that destruction, she was pooped!
Sidenote: My big girl has pee peed on the potty twice in the past two days!


Liz said...

hah! so mischievous! wickedly cute.... :)

John, Shannon, Broderick, Camden, and Adalynn said...

She is getting so big and so darn cute. Enjoy the "little" I am sure you know, they get bigger and better the older they get!

Sparroweye said...

This is a pre-view of her room as a teen.