Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Happy Pride 2007!

Happy Pride everyone!
Ok...so it was yesterday.
Better late than never!

Tammy, Reina, Ashlee, Melissa, Carl and I
Went to Chicago for the
38th Annual Pride Parade.
We got up early and took the South Shore
And then followed all the gay people to the El.
The El took us right to the party.

Everyone had a blast.
We got there early enough to get a good spot.
We were right up against the street rail.
There were THOUSANDS of people there.
We were squished!
We even saw ourselves on the 10 o'clock news
On two different channels.

We grabbed tons of free stuff...
Beach towels, beads, food, t-shirts, candy, cups...

My favorite part about pride...
All of the colorful people.
So many different shapes, sizes, colors, etc.
And everyone is so nice to one another.
Hugs everywhere.
Creative people everywhere.
Ok...some are more than creative and borderline nuts
Especially with their outfits.

But seriously...it's just love.

Of course there were protestors out there
With their big signs letting us all know
We are going to burn in hell.
Sorry guys...but I think you were out numbered yesterday.


Unknown said...

Isn't it ironic the hate people will spread based on the word of God? How can hate and God even be used in the same sentence? I don't get it.

Your kids are so lucky to have two moms that love them so much.

Unknown said...

Forgot to say, love the new look and great picture of the flag in this post!

Sarah V said...

Did I tell you my sister was supposed to be there? She was supposed to go with Moody to LOVE on people and hand out free water. She went with me to Bloomington instead. Anyway, not all Christians hate gay people... like me!