Saturday, August 30, 2008

First Week of School

Ashlee, Tristyn, BJ and Leslee on their first day.

Me on my first day of school.

Me and Tammy on her first day.

The first week of school was a killer.
Last night I fell asleep on the couch at 9:30 p.m.
I woke up at 11:30 a.m.
I ate, went to the bathroom and went back to bed.
I woke up at 1 p.m. and I'm still tired.
Changing the morning routine is different.
I have to wake up super early to feed Tristyn and get her ready for school.
But it's all worth it when I wake her up and she just smiles at me!

School has been crazy.
Being in a new classroom is throwing both Sarah and I off.
Wayyyy off.
I can't find ANYTHING.
I keep forgetting my lines during lectures.
And the format of my room is taking a lot of getting used to.
There's nowhere to stand in my room.
My favorite place to lecture from is on top of the counter!
Sarah's room echos like no other
And you have to turn off the lights by cutting the fuses in the fuse box!
Someone cut a line during construction
So Sarah doesn't have a phone
And we both can't hear the announcements OR the bell in our rooms.
I'm sure we'll get used to it, but it's going to take time.
Other than the new room, my classes are awesome.
I have a photo class with 21 kids in it....heaven!
On Blue days I have Scout, Intro Journalism, Photo and Plan.
On White days I have Photo, Homeroom, Photo, Plan.
White days are my monkey days.
Those are days where even a monkey could do it!
This is the first year that Sarah and I both have students with special needs.
Sarah has a boy with downs syndrom in photo.
I have a boy with muscular dystophy in journalism.
That's what I love about teaching...always new challenges.

Ashlee started her sophomore year.
Good god I teach can she be a sophomore?
I'm old.
She is now on a block 8 schedule and adjusting to that.
She's still working at McDonald's and having a grand time with Billy.
No...Billy is NOT her boyfriend.
They are wrestling buddies.
Seriously...they watch women's wrestling together.
*me rolling my eyes*

Leslee started middle school.
Again...good god middle school.
God bless all the middle school teachers across the land.
I have no idea how they put up with those raging horomones
And puberty crazed kids.
Now...Leslee is the one if you ever met...will not talk to you.
She doesn't smile and comes off as mean or shy when you see her.
I home this girl does NOT shut up!
I think I heard every move she made on the first day of school.
She is joining gymnastics and started playing the clarinet for the band.
She is way too organized with her school stuff.
I think she gets that from me.
The girl even put her name on her little pencil erasers!
And she wants to eat Tristyn...literally.
The girl can't get enough of this baby.

BJ is the big man at George Earl.
My third grader.
The man with the mohawk.
His folders are already bent.
WHY can't this boy be neat? WHY?
I seriously haven't done his laundry since before Tristyn was born.
The rule is...if you want your laundry done...bring it downstairs.
Where is his laundry?
Spewed all over his bedroom floor.
I guess he'll come crying when he has to go to school comando!

Tammy is still teaching at Hobart.
She's not thrilled about it and still looking for an administrative job.
Keep your fingers crossed for her.

I feel like I've been so busy and tired lately!
I just haven't had a chance to sit down and blog.
And I have so much more to blog about!
And so many videos to share!
So bear with me and stay tuned.
I swear more is coming.


Historygrl said...

I'm still looking for an admin job too. :( I know Hobart was hiring for an AP, but I imagine she doesn't want to work there as a principal if she's not happy there as a teacher.

Leslie said...

I can't believe she's two months old and I haven't even congratulated you. I'm sorry. She's adorably sweet. And you are so lucky--she's on a great schedule--she sounds like a happy baby! Beck's a bit cranky during his waking hours yet, but he is only 3 weeks at this point. Congratulations and good luck with school. I'll try to visit soon.

Kim aka Mommy said...

Whew! That wore me out just reading it!

Sarah V said...

Come on! We're 7/10 years in. We have to have some sort of new challenge, right?

Unknown said...

Looking good Carrie and Tammy! I know its crazy but you're doing a great job! Things are sure to settle down when you hit a good routine. Good talking to you yesterday!

Anonymous said...

My partner and I just recently found out that we are pregnant and I've been exploring the blogs... your story is amazing! We are both educators too!

A friend of ours created a cartoon that features a little boy who has
two moms (Buddy G- My Two Moms and Me). The DVD is quite cute and
their website is great- I've never seen anything like it...

Maybe you would be interested in it?