Sunday, November 23, 2008

St. Louis Convention

Sarah, Miles and Me watching people on the slide at the City Museum.

Miles at the top of the arch.

Our little yearbook nerd.

Sarah and I took 15 students and Miles to St. Louis

For the Journalism Education Association national convention.

There were about 5,000 journalism nerds there.

It was awesome.

Miles was great on his first plane ride.

His only meltdown was on a cold walk to Union Station.

He had some chicken nuggets and was happy again.

Two of my newspaper kids won honorable mentions in the write-off contests.

One of Sarah's won a superior for design.

Sarah's yearbook from last year also took 9th place in Best of Show!

That's awesome since we never place!

Go Quiver!

Sarah and I took our Master Journalism Educator exam.

It was like 3 hours long.

Fun things we did...

The City Museum...awesome.
Went up in the Arch...very high.
Walked to Union Station...very cold.
Went to sessions...very few.
Ate... a lot.
Introduced to Tigger & Pooh...i love miles!
The end.

1 comment:

Liz said...

sounds like a great trip! how'd you do being away from tristyn?? bet you missed her so!

hope you are doing well...xo