Friday, October 15, 2010

My Favorite Sayings

There are a couple of things that Tristyn says
That I would like to write down so I don't forget.

The other day we were talking about Christmas.
I asked her what she wanted Santa to bring her.
She said, "A big, baby elephant and a giraffe with a loooong neck!"
I asked her if she was going to buy me a present.
She said, "Yes...socks."

For some reason when we make forts on the bed with pillows
She always thinks we are making a "birdie house."
Then she says, "Burdy teek a weet!"
It's the cutest thing and makes me laugh every time.

Yesterday she started taking pretend pictures.
She concentrates really hard to put the tips of her thumbs together
And her index fingers together in a diamond shape.
She then puts her hands up to her eye and says, "Say Cheese!"
When you say cheese she makes the clicking noise and says "Thank you!"
That's my girl!

I don't know if I ever wrote this down or not.
But in the summer Tristyn got addicted to Band-Aids.
But she doesn't call them Band-Aids.
She calls them "Boo Boo Dan Dans."
It cracks me up.

And my ultimate favorite saying is her impression of a rooster.
Usually a rooster says, "Cock-a doodle-doo!"
Not from my kid.
It's, "Cock-a...a-Dooooo!"


Sparroweye said...

I love Wady that you are writing these down. My middle son could not say lots of things. But the words he came up with were better. He said Butterbye. Like bye bye butterfly. And it became our family word for butterflies. I have found myself saying things to my new granddaughter Felicity (who was 2 last week) just so I can hear her funny answer. Like she says, "Where it go?" So I would find myself using her words, "Where it go" so then I could hear her say, "I donknow" all run together. Kids, we must remember it all.

Alexia Naomi Dukes said...

Oh my goodness. Wad she is so cute! Now I understand why my mom is always like, "Kids just say the darndest things." My favorite is deffinately the one about Christmas. When she gets your socks you should wear them to school so that we can all see them.