Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Big Girl Bed

We finally changed Tristyn's crib into a big girl bed!
Mommy was a little sad about this, but she got over it.
We have to go to WalMart and pick up some princess sheets.
She did very well in it the first night.
I put her in it and of course she got right back out.
I told her that she had to go to sleep
And closed the door and left.
I didn't hear anything in the baby monitor.
I went up there to go to the bathroom around 2 a.m.
I peeked in her room and she was laying on the floor.
By the time I woke her up at 6 a.m.
She was in her bed
Surrounded by books, animals and pens.
With a little pen squiggle around her belly button.
I'm sure this change will take a while to get used to.
But she loves her new big girl bed!

1 comment:

Kim aka Mommy said...

Yay for big girl beds!

I've already explained to Gracie that she is sleep in her craddle next to me until she's 32. Think that will work?