Monday, November 08, 2010

Power of Prayer

Sunday morning Tristyn and I were eating eggs in the dining room.
We heard a loud bang at the front door.
It sounded like someone threw a newspaper at it.
I don't get the newspaper.
Tristyn was scared.
We went to check it out.
I opened the door and there was a "burdie teek a weet" on the ground.
It was on its side and its leg was all crunched up into his body.
He was breathing really fast and not moving at all.
Tristyn was upset.
She wanted to get him a "boo boo dan dan."
I told her that we should pray for him.
And we did.

"Dear God,
Please help the little burdie teek a weet get better.
Help his little foot and let him fly away to be with his family.

We went back to finish eating our eggs.
A little while later Tristyn wanted to check on the little guy.
We opened the door
And the bird was sitting up now!
She was so excited.
She thought he might be hungry and wanted to share her waffle with him.
I told her that birds ate worms and she said,
"Nooooooo Mommy! That's disgusting!"
I told her we should pray for him again so that he could fly away.

"Dear God,
Thank you for helping the burdie teek a weet sit up.
Now can you help him fly so that he can find his family?
Thanks and Amen."

This time Tristyn decided to get her step stool.
She plopped it in front of the door and watched the bird very carefully.
It sat there for a long time
And of course Tristyn had to get up and follow me somewhere.
When we finally came back to the door
The bird had flown away.
Tristyn was sooooo happy.
We prayed one more time.

"Dear God,
Thank you so much for watching over the little burdie.
You helped him get up and fly away.


Anonymous said...

Awee :D That's sucha cute story!
I'm glad the birdie flew away haha.

xxemmmxo said...

That is without a doubt amazing!