Monday, October 17, 2011

Busy Weekend!

We had a busy and fun weekend!
On Friday we went to the library, Chick-fil-A and Wal-Mart.
We bought nail polish, chapstick and a Justin Bieber CD.
Where has my little girl gone?

On Saturday we headed to Grandma's house.
This is what we did in reverse order.

Pooped out from all the fresh air.

Junior firefighter.

Sliding down the fireman's pole.

Sparkey the fire dog!

Pretending to drive the fire truck.

Played soccer with Uncle Kevin.

Ran through the leaves in the best outfit ever!

Helped Grandma rake her backyard.

On Sunday we raked our own leaves and did laundry.
Tristyn ran around in her undies half the day because her pants got wet
From jumping in puddles.
She fell asleep on the couch at 6:15 p.m. and slept until 6:05 this morning.
She was a party animal.
And crashed hard last night!

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