Thursday, October 11, 2007

Book Review #7

I just read Rosie O'Donnell's new book
Celebrity Detox
In two days.
I'm such a nerd.

People would think why would you read that?
It's interesting to me.
I love Rosie.
I love her comedy, her openess and her honesty.
I love how she raises her kids
Even though she has a lot of help.
Hello? Tammy and I have a lot of help.
Like Rosie takes a village.

I thought her book showed the real Rosie.
There is the TV and stage Rosie
And then there is the real Rosie.
I've seen the real her on the cruise
And through reading her blog like an obsessed fan.

The story behind The View stunned me.
I knew there was trouble, but wow.
I couldn't imagine dealing with all of that stress.
Donald Trump
Elisabeth H.
Barbara Walters
I couldn't imagine the stress of fighting
And then coming home to parent and live a normal life.

The parts about Barbara Streisand went fast.
Only because I can't stand her.
She makes me want to rip my ears out.
Sorry Rosie.

It wasn't the most well written novel I've ever read
But it was entertaining and insightful.
The way she thinks about her children and leading a normal life
Made me appreciate my own life more.
The normalness of it.
Two mom can that be normal?
It is to just is...
We run to practices, eat dinner together, do homework
Fight, laugh, yell, hug, read and watch TV together.
What's more normal than that?

"If you fake life, then you have damaged the social and
biological fabric on which we all depend, for breath and love."

I love this.
It makes you think.

"Idolization can be blind, but it can also be an expression
of your highest hopes for yourself, and a reminder
of what you need to strive for."

This only makes me want to strive for better and live
A happy life.

3.5 out of 4 Sticky Notes.


SassyFemme said...

I haven't read it yet, but am planning to. I love all things Rosie.

Sarah V said...

I don't think I like the last Rosie quote. It makes her seem like she definitely thinks some people are better than others.

Unknown said...

I'm going to finish it tonight! Yes, I'm still reading it. I have no excuse. I love it though. I'll almost be sad when its over. We must discuss it when I'm done!