Monday, February 07, 2011

What Do You Do On A 5 Day Weekend With a 2 1/2 Year Old?

These are in no particular order...
You might have heard that we got a little bit of snow in Northwest Indiana.
I would say we had a good 20 inches or more.
We had three snow days off from school.
By day 3 Tristyn and I were bored with each other. are some of the things we did! ...

Went to McDonald's Playland with Miles!
I have no idea why this keeps coming up sideways.

Go to Grandma's and have her make us ice cream sundaes!

Make Jell-O block towers at Grandma's house.

Go to Pipes and Pizza and listen to the big organ!

Wore silly outfits...sans pants.

Climbed big mountains in front of our house.
Can you see her at the top of the hill?
Oh yes...she is eating the snow.
Played Farkle with Bones and Aunt Barb.
Actually she was playing with her peg game.
And yes...she is in her Minnie Halloween costume.
Watched the snow fall and fall and fall.
That is the recycling bin under there.

Made messes.
She was trying to pick out a movie to watch.
She was very indecisive.
She fell off chairs!
Ha ha!
We played a lot of Mario Kart and Dr. Mario.

And fashioned off the diaper and boots look.
Overall it was a nice break from work.
I was ready to go back today.
Tristyn was NOT happy to wake up so early this morning.
Now we all have to get back on track.
At least this weekend is a 4 day weekend!


Sparroweye said...

Thank you for an adorable review of Tristyn and snow days. Go view my beach in February. (maybe I don't want to move to Tennessee like I think I do, I would so miss this.) I met my first rblogger Penny Horshall from Maine.

Sparroweye said...

My comment disappeared. I said, Thank you for an adorable review of Tristyns snow days. Go and look at my ocean/beach visit in Daytona with Penny. My first rblogger meet up.